Febrile seizure (children)

A febrile seizure is a brief, generalized, symmetric convulsion in a child that occurs in association with fever but without any brain or spinal cord infection or neurologic cause.

Alternative Names

Seizure - fever induced

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

A febrile seizure is a generalized tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure that occurs in some children as a response to a fever . Febrile seizures are usually associated with rapidly rising fevers, and usually occur early in the fever rather than later. The seizure may last a few seconds up to a few minutes (although short seizures are more typical). It most commonly occurs in children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years of age. Approximately 2-5% of children will have a seizure associated with fevers. However, the exact cause of febrile seizures is unknown. There is a tendency for febrile seizures to run in families. This suggest thats there are genetic factors involved. Occasionally, seizures associated with fever may be a symptom of other diseases such as poisoning, meningitis , or encephalitis . Roseola , or infection with human herpesvirus-6, is also a frequent cause of febrile convulsions in children. Dysentary caused by shigella is frequently associated with a high fever and febrile seizures in children. A child who has a febrile seizure once may not have further seizures in response to a fever.

Signs and tests

A febrile seizure may be diagnosed by the health care provider when a grand mal seizure occurs in a child with a fever and no prior history of seizure disorders ( epilepsy ). In infants and young children it is important to rule out other causes for a first-time seizure, especially meningitis. In a typical febrile seizure the examination usually shows no abnormalities other than the illness causing the fever. Typically, a full seizure work up including an EEG, head CT, and lumbar puncture ( spinal tap ) is not warranted. However, the child's condition must meet strict medical criteria if these tests are to be avoided:

  • The child must be developmentally normal
  • The seizure must be generalized (not focal), meaning more than one part of the body is involved.
  • The seizure may not last longer than 15 minutes.
  • The child cannot have had more than one febrile seizure in 24 hours.
  • The child's neurologic exam performed by a physician must be normal to be called a simple febrile seizure.
  • If all of these criteria are met, no further studies are likely to be required.


    A child with febrile seizures, especially a first-time febrile seizure, should be brought to his or her primary care doctor for an examination. While the actual seizure may not be worrisome, it is important to determine the source of the fever. First-aid interventions for a seizure may include prevention of injury (by removing surrounding objects on which the child may become injured), turning the child to the side to prevent aspiration of vomit or mucus into the lungs, and watching to make sure the tongue does not obstruct breathing. DO NOT stick anything into the individual's mouth. Treat the fever with acetaminophen - oral or ibuprofen. Aspirin should not be used to treat fever in children with possible viral infections because this increases the risk of Reye's syndrome . The cause of the fever should be treated. If the seizure(s) has not stopped by the time the child reaches the hospital, then it is probably not a "simple" febrile seizure

    Expectations (prognosis)

    Febrile seizures are not generally chronic or recurring. Some children will be more susceptible to future febrile seizures than other children. Two or more episodes may indicate susceptibility to febrile seizures. Most children outgrow the tendency to develop febrile seizures. If a single seizure does not last longer than 5 minutes, the chances of brain injury or chronic seizure disorder are minimal. Prolonged or repeated seizures ; febrile seizures that are not the typical grand mal type; or abnormalities on EEG or neurologic examination may indicate a risk for future seizures unrelated to a fever .


  • Seizures
  • (unrelated to
  • fever )
  • An injury that results from falling or bumping into objects
  • Biting one's self
  • Aspiration
  • of fluid into the lungs,
  • pneumonia
  • Permanent brain damage
  • Side effects of medications used to treat and prevent seizures (if prescribed)
  • Calling your health care provider

    Call your health care provider or go to the emergency room if this is the first time the child has had seizures , or if this is a new type of seizure for the child. Also call if any other symptoms occur, such as changes in mental status ( drowsiness , restlessness , confusion , sedation or others); nausea or vomiting ; rash ; tremors or abnormal movements; or problems with coordination. Go to the emergency room or call the local emergency number (such as 911) if a seizure lasts longer than 2-3 minutes. Also, go if repeated seizures occur (over any amount of time). Prolonged and repeated seizures indicate emergency situations.


    Seizures may occur when the child's temperature is rising or falling rapidly. In many cases, the seizure may not be predicted or prevented. In the past prophylactic anticonvulsants were given to children who had multiple febrile seizures. However, that practice is seldom used now. Occasionally, a physician will prescribe rectal diazepam for the treatment of prolonged febrile seizures.

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